
Rebecca Lang

Rebecca is the former Managing Editor for both Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog and San Francisco Moms Blog. She and her husband moved to San Francisco from the East Coast in 2008 and love raising their two children in the city. Rebecca worked for two Fortune 500 companies in a variety of HR roles before surprising everyone, including herself, and leaving her job to stay home with her kids. She's written for a variety of online parenting publications including Scary Mommy, Motherly, and YourTango, but promises that she can talk about non-parenting stuff in real life. Follow her on social media at @rlang165 and on BeckyRebecca.com.

6 Ways to Throw a Baby Shower That’s Actually Fun

Sipping tea and eating petit fours is a lovely way to spend a baby shower, but it's not very exciting. If the baby showers you've been to lately have blended together in your memory...

10 Rules of the Playground I Wish I Could Enforce

If there was such a thing as the playground police, and I was its sheriff, I'd swagger around the playground, ticket book in hand, ready to enforce the following rules.* These rules would make...


*This post is sponsored - but the thoughts and feelings are our own, and we only work with businesses we believe to be reputable and resourceful to our readers.  San Francisco Moms Blog recently hosted...

9 Tips for Dining with Kids in Restaurants

Even though it’s a right of passage to have a nightmare dining experience with your kids, it’s better for everyone when children are well behaved at restaurants. Sometimes, it’s nothing short of a miracle...

Parenting Tips for Kids of All Ages

Parenting advice comes at new parents like a tidal wave. The unsolicited advice from strangers, the well meaning advice of friends and family, and the countless online forums and articles leave us fighting to...

10 Things About the Seasons My San Francisco Kids Will Never Understand

I would seem rather ungrateful, if I were to complain about San Francisco's weather, but I'm going to do it anyway. Yes, our weather is quite agreeable to an outdoor lifestyle. It's typically in...

It’s OK to Judge, Just Don’t Be a Jerk

We say it all the time, and we hear it all the time:  “Don’t judge other moms. Everyone is doing the best that they can.” Yes, they are, but it’s also human nature to...

7 Social Media Sins That Will Get You Unfollowed

Dear Active Mom on Social Media, We may live in the social media capital of the world, surrounded by giants like Facebook and countless startups, but that doesn’t mean we always use their apps the...

Department of Education Introduces New Sex Ed Program

The Department of Education is set to announce a controversial new sex ed program that it will introduce into its High School Common Core curriculum beginning in the next school year. The new program, titled...
kid friendly restaurants in san francisco

Where’s the Middle Ground: Kids and Restaurants

“Oh, come on! There has to be some middle ground!” The woman yelled, as she whipped off her glasses and turned in her seat. She was scolding my husband and me because our kids were being...
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