Sipping tea and eating petit fours is a lovely way to spend a baby shower, but it's not very exciting. If the baby showers you've been to lately have blended together in your memory as quiet affairs spent making...
I love to cook. I love to bake. If there’s a bake sale at work, I am participating. I plan my Thanksgiving menu around Labor Day. I devour food magazines the way others devour fashion magazines, though I love...
Last week Julianne gave SFMB readers amazing exercises with her Playground Pump Part 1 that can be completed at your local playground. Yes, you can work out while you little one has a blast at the playground. Genius! Here...
I have a confession to make: I LOVE TV. I love to get sucked into shows, grow attached to characters, and make fun of people for not choosing a house because of the light fixtures. I cried when Parenthood...
If there was such a thing as the playground police, and I was its sheriff, I'd swagger around the playground, ticket book in hand, ready to enforce the following rules.* These rules would make my life as the mother...
Dressing your pregnant body can be a challenge – especially because it seems like your body is a different size and shape every week! On top of that, if you’re anything like me, you may not want to spend...
One of the best illustrations of motherhood I’ve seen is a simple triangle. At each of the three points is a short phrase: “Clean House,” “Happy Kids,” and “Your Sanity.” Beneath the triangle is an instruction for moms: Pick...
Knowing that the sun is shining outside, it is so hard for me to even think about working out in a dark gym . Now that it is warming up, taking your sweat session outdoors can be a great...
Relax. Breathe. You are doing great!
As a new mom of two, I want to share a secret with you: The second baby is so much easier. Do you know why?
Because I am so much more relaxed.
When you...
*This post is sponsored - but the thoughts and feelings are our own, and we only work with businesses we believe to be reputable and resourceful to our readers.
San Francisco Moms Blog recently hosted its first event at Recess...