
Robin Enan

Robin is a Bay Area native who spent eight years on the East Coast (college, journalism school and work) before returning to California with her husband Basil in 2007. She's the mom of a boy and two girls born in 2012, 2014, and 2017 and works as a freelance journalist when the kids allow. Exercise is her highly valued "me time," and in early 2016 she became a Bar Method instructor in Palo Alto.

Robin’s Articles from San Francisco Moms Blog

Before Robin started writing here at Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog, her articles appeared on our sister site, San Francisco Moms Blog. If you are not automatically directed to her archives, click here!

The REAL Parent Trap

Congratulations, you have a baby! You are about to experience overwhelming love and wonder at the miracle that a real, live human baby really did just emerge from your body. You are also in...

Robin’s Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog Articles

Robin became a regular contributor to Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog after we launched the site in August 2017. If you're not automatically redirected to her most recent posts, click here.
relationship with nanny

The Nanny-Mommy Dream Team: What to Do and What to Never, Ever Do

As a mom, you may often feel like you’re flying solo…and blindfolded…through a hurricane. But parenting works best as a team sport, and a skilled, responsible nanny can be both a huge asset to...

An Alien Has Invaded Your Body… You Might as Well Laugh About It

Pregnancy is miraculous. You are growing a new life (or lives, Lord help you) INSIDE YOUR BODY! That is no joke. But let’s be honest, quite often through those nine months, it sure does feel...

We’re Done…Aren’t We?

My husband and I had a plan: two kids and then done. We spaced them quite close together, figuring we’d embrace the infant/tiny toddler chaos for a year or two and then bye-bye breast...

Kango :: Getting Your Kids From Point A to B, With Care

*This post is sponsored – but the thoughts and feelings are our own, and we only work with businesses we believe to be reputable and resourceful to our readers. To all those moms who’ve...

Hey, Busy Moms, Meet Your New Fairy Godmother!

*This post is sponsored – but the thoughts and feelings are our own, and we only work with businesses we believe to be reputable and resourceful to our readers. Not long ago, I found myself...

Expert Parenting Advice :: In the Voice of Your Best Friend

Becoming a mom sometimes feels like a waking version of that dream where you’re forced to take a final exam for a class you never attended: you are pretty much guaranteed to screw something...

Grooming Good Eaters

My kids—ages 2 and 3—are good eaters. And by “good,” I don’t mean plentiful (though they are), or polite (often, they are not). Instead, I mean that when it comes to food consumption, they...
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