Smokey Bear Celebrates 80th Birthday

America’s beloved wildfire prevention icon and the longest-running PSA campaign is recognized nationwide for eight decades of impact

Smokey the Bear has been an icon in wildlife awareness throughout our children in California, now, he is just as vital of a safety reminder for keeping our families safe and prepared. Today, Smokey Bear celebrates eight decades of educating Americans about the role they play in preventing unwanted human-caused wildfires. From his origins during World War II when fears of incendiary shells led to his emergence as a symbol of fire prevention, Smokey’s “Only You” message has since become ingrained into American culture through thousands of posters, radio ads, TV spots, billboards, and merchandise. To honor 80 years of Smokey Bear, the USDA Forest Service (USFS), the National Association of State Foresters (NASF), FCB and the Ad Council are inviting the public to join Smokey’s birthday
celebrations and be part of his wildfire prevention legacy.

Smokey’s image was cemented as a mainstay of American culture by the imagination of
creative agency FCB, the artwork of Rudy Wendelin, and the celebrities that brought their unique charm to the campaign, including Bing Crosby, Ray Charles, Stephen Colbert, Al Roker, Betty White, Sam Elliott, and most recently, Brian Tyree Henry. Through decades of campaign materials, themed postage stamps featuring Smokey, his presence in state and national forests, mentions in songs like “Drive-In” by The Beach Boys, countless toys, and more, his timeless message has reached generations of Americans – establishing him as the beacon of wildfire prevention.

Alongside the nostalgic Decades film recently developed by FCB, Smokey’s creative agency of record since day one, friends and supporters of Smokey Bear are encouraged to join in a series of commemorations throughout the year. These include influencer and brand collaborations, social media activations, and events such as tree lightings, local appearances, birthday celebrations, and his participation in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, all highlighting his top wildfire prevention tips.

“Our forestlands, like Smokey himself, are integral to American culture. Our nation relies on
healthy, managed forests for everything from clean air and water to economic prosperity,
sustainable forest products, wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, and much more,” said NASF President and South Carolina State Forester Scott Phillips. “The endurance of Smokey’s wildfire prevention message speaks to the role of every individual in that management. State Foresters do everything they can to protect our forests and mitigate disasters, but only you can prevent wildfires.”

To join the party, wish Smokey a happy birthday on Instagram, Facebook, and X with
#SmokeyBear80 and #OnlyYou, and visit






About U.S.D.A. Forest Service 
The Forest Service is the agency responsible for overseeing the use of Smokey Bear in
cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the Ad Council.  The Forest
Service manages 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands for the American Public. Its
mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation's forests and
grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.

About National Association of State Foresters 
Since its start in 1920, the National Association of State Foresters (NASF) has served as a leading
authority on forest management in the United States. NASF's members are the primary delivery
system for forest management activities nationwide. They conserve, enhance, and protect state
and private forests, which encompass nearly two-thirds of the nation's forests, and are
responsible for wildfire protection on more than 1.5 billion acres. Learn more at
About The Ad Council
The Ad Council convenes creative storytellers to educate, unite and uplift audiences by opening
hearts, inspiring action and accelerating change around the most pressing issues in America.
Since the non-profit’s founding, the organization and its partners in advertising, media,
marketing and tech have been behind some of the country’s most iconic social impact
campaigns – Smokey Bear, A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, Love Has No Labels, Tear the
Paper Ceiling and many more. With a current focus on mental health, gun safety, the opioid
epidemic, skill-based hiring and other critical issues, the Ad Council’s national campaigns
encompass advertising and media content, ground game and community efforts, trusted
messenger and influencer engagement, and employer programs, among other innovative
strategies to move the needle on the most important issues of the day.
To learn more or get involved, visit, join the Ad Council's communities on
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and view campaign creative on YouTube.
About FCB
FCB New York has been recognized globally for using creativity as an economic multiplier to
drive meaningful business results for its clients, among them AB InBev, the FDA, Morningstar
Farms, New York Mets and Spotify. In 2023 alone, the agency was nominated for an EMMY in
sports, awarded Agency of the Year by the Clios, honored as WARC’s #1 Creative Agency for
Effectiveness, named to Contagious Pioneers’ list of best and bravest agencies in the world, and
chosen as Campaign’s Experiential and B2B Agency of the Year.


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