Add Your Event!

We work hard to connect local Moms with classes, activities, and events that will enrich their and their families’ lives. We welcome you to include your business or club’s upcoming community activities on our events calendar.

Click Here to Add Your Event

Go to the Calendar

Once you submit your event, we will review to ensure the event is consistent with our posting guidelines (see below) and publish the event to the calendar. Add events for this month or future months. The calendar also supports recurring events! Once you’ve submitted, you’ll have access to change and update the postings, as needed.

For assistance with a posting, please email

Contact us to learn about all of the other ways we can help you reach San Francisco Bay Area Moms.

Calendar Posting Guidelines

We welcome members of the community and businesses to submit community classes, activities, and events that will be of interest to parents and their children living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • Please provide as much information as possible on the submission form to ensure the posting is clear and useful to readers.
  • Adult-only and kid-friendly activities are ok to post. Please note in your event description when an event is adult-only. As a parenting website, we’ll otherwise assume that kids are invited!
  • Note the cost of the event at the bottom of the form. For free events, enter a “0.”
  • We believe there is more that unites us than divides us as families living in the San Francisco Bay Area and will consider on a case-by-case basis postings for classes, activities, and events centered on religion and/or politics.
  • Ensure feature images are properly licensed for use.
  • We reserve the right to edit a posting for clarity and accuracy and to not publish or remove any posting that we believe is not in line with the mission and values of San Francisco Bay Area Moms.