Tag: it’s yoga kids
Show The Love with These 3 Mindfulness Practices
It’s Valentine’s! Let’s show the love. How? Try these three mindfulness practices to nurture connection and support your loved ones.
1. Mindful Appreciation
With moms carrying...
New Year: 5 Tips to Set Intentions and Goals with Kids
The New Year is an excellent time for setting new intentions and SMART goals for ourselves — and our children. Kids yoga offers a wonderful...
3 Ways to Handle Election Stress for the Kids
It's intense out there! And it's going to last longer than a day. Election season often brings heightened emotions and stress, not just for...
5 Practical Tips for Using Yoga to Manage Back-to-School Worries
As the new school year looms on the horizon, many children experience a mix of excitement and anxiety. Returning to school can be daunting,...
Kids Yoga and the Lunar New Year of the Dragon
As we enter the Lunar New Year, marked by vibrant celebrations and rich cultural traditions, it's a perfect time to embrace mindfulness and wellness,...
3 Ways to Cherish the Magic of the Holidays
The day after Thanksgiving marks the "official” beginning of the holiday season. The sight of sparkly lights and decorations, the sounds of seasonal music,...