It’s OK to Ask for Help When You Need It



In our society, asking for help can sometimes be seen as a weakness.  I actually think that it is a strength to be able to ask for help, no matter what you might need help in. 

Consider this:

In California alone:

  • 800,000 people use hard drugs (like cocaine and heroin)
  • 5 million people use marijuana
  • 2.1 million people abuse alcohol
  • Six percent of all deaths in California over the last ten years were due to alcohol and drugs 

These statistics indicate that people need help. These people are mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends, and children. But where can you turn for help? How do you even get started?

One resource you can use is’s mission is to make the latest research together with proven, relational methods of overcoming addiction accessible to all those struggling with addiction, as well as those who have been hurt or impacted by someone else’s struggle. 

What to expect in rehab. (Source:

Launched in 2013, was started to provide people with trusted, real-world, evidence-based drug rehabilitation information from healthcare providers and professionals. They use personal patient perspectives and insights from those to promote sober living. is a community organization dedicated to empowering people suffering from substance abuse addiction with tools and resources to start their personal journey toward recovery. They create and publish comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources that have been featured and are referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the web.

So if you need help, for yourself or someone you love, ask for it. 


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Tracy is the Director of Programming and Partnerships for Darkness to Light, a child sexual abuse prevention organization. She grew up in northeast Ohio, and has lived in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Northern Virginia and has worked in the arts, in education, in non-profits and in ed tech. Her husband's job brought them to the Bay Area and there's no looking back! Tracy is mom to two trans teens who are just beginning their journey. Self-care includes pedicures, reading, cooking, crafting, and just being with her family. She also serves as Chair of the Board for the Attachment and Trauma Network, a national non-profit.


  1. This is very much appreciated because I have spoke to parents who asked for help and they ended up paying a heavy price.


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