Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past several months, the chances are that you have heard about this weekend’s upcoming royal nuptials… that’s right, our own California native, Meghan Markle, will soon walk down the aisle to wed everyone’s favorite prince (fight me!), Harry of Wales. Their storybook romance has been a welcome distraction from the general craziness of today’s news cycle. These two are smart, philanthropic, genial, and gorgeous. Even under intense public scrutiny, they’ve been gracious, giving everyone a little window into their courtship while shining the spotlight on their shared passion for improving conditions around the world. There is not much more that anyone could hope for from such a high-profile, blossoming young power couple. Swoon!

Full disclosure, Meghan was a Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sister of mine at Northwestern University in the early 2000’s. Even then, as most of us gained 15 pounds and generally embarrassed ourselves socially on a weekly basis, Meghan was a class act. She had a close-knit circle of friends, though she was incredibly warm with everyone. And of course, she was lovely both inside and out. It came as no surprise, then, to see her pop up on television in the years following graduation. During coffee breaks, I’d catch up on her now-disabled lifestyle blog, the Tig, and occasionally checked out her now-deactivated Instagram to see her latest fashion and travel posts. I loved her speech on gender equality for the UN in 2015. It was fun to see someone from back in the day, doing well and using her growing platform to connect to women and girls on something more than surface level (I’m looking at you, Kardashians!). Role model, anyone?
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When the tabloids started reporting on Meghan’s rumored royal romance, my friends and I exchanged excited but knowing text messages; the pairing made sense. Beyond being happy that she and Harry seemed to have found true love and joy in each other, I think we’ve all been proud to have this well-spoken, compassionate person represent our country on the international stage. And what a relief to see the British monarchy evolve with the times, to welcome an American biracial divorcee into the fold. About time for this kind of embrace!
That’s not to say that, particularly for women of a certain age, there isn’t a more superficial aspect that we can all appreciate about this union. Many of us grew up having a Tiger Beat crush on Prince William, only to have Harry sneak up from behind in recent years as the more dashing brother. He, like Meghan, seemed accessible and fun, while displaying a kind heart and using his position to promote several good causes. How exciting that he would find love with a like-minded woman, a couple years his senior no less! Late thirty-somethings ‘round the world joined in a mental chorus of “Get it, girl!”
I don’t think I’m alone in having ogled this captivating duo. Who amongst us did not find it quite romantic when Harry bucked tradition to issue an official royal statement chastising the trolls and aggressive media hounding his new love? Who can say they did not smile, seeing these two make their giddy engagement day debut? It’s been refreshing to have Meghan’s classy, modern style brighten up the stuffy royal repertoire. And let’s be honest, the tribute shows cropping up to celebrate their romance are some of the best trash T.V. in years (I’m still chuckling at how Will & Kate are portrayed in the Lifetime made-for-TV movie).
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So this Saturday, I will be tuning in with the rest of the world and watching as Meghan and Harry make history. (OK, I may not get up at 4:00 a.m. but definitely plan to catch it on the DVR) Best wishes to these two as they take the plunge… and if they decide to expand the royal brood (which I know we all hope they do – no pressure!), our great mom community will be there to offer advice and support along the way.