The devastation from Hurricane Harvey across the Houston and Galveston areas is unimaginable. So far, 31 deaths have been reported and at least 30,000 people have lost their homes and are in shelters across Texas. That number is expected to increase, according to the latest updates from The New York Times.
And it’s not over. Harvey made its second landfall early this morning. Its wind strength has downgraded to Tropical Storm levels, but the heavy rains will continue to cause flood concerns for Houston, Beaumont, Port Arthur and southwest Louisiana. The storm has already dumped a record setting 51.88 inches of water on the area. That’s more rainfall from a single storm than any other storm recorded across the continental United States.
Writer Jennifer Williams shared an important map on Facebook that shows just how much of Texas (not to mention Louisiana) will be impacted by this storm and estimates that 11,000 million people will be affected by it in some way.
We want to do our part to help, so the City Moms Blog Network is partnering with our friends at Ink to the People and the Texas Diaper Bank to benefit the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Show your support and get your “In This Together” t-shirt, sweatshirt or tote bag. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Texas Diaper Bank.
Click here to order yours.
If you want to donate money directly to organizations helping the area, our sister site in Corpus Christi, Texas put together the following list of non-profits accepting donations to benefit hurricane victims, and Houston Moms Blog has additional information.
Monetary Donations
Opportunities to donate money for relief efforts will be everywhere. Donate to a credible source to ensure your monies go where you expect them to. A great way to know for sure? Visit Charity Navigator to learn more.
- Call 1(800)-RED-CROSS
- Text Harvey to 90999 (automatic $10 donation)
Catholic Charities Disaster Response and Disaster Recovery Services
Rockport Fulton Chamber of Commerce
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
United Way of the Coastal Bend
- Text UWHARVEY to 41444 (100% of the proceeds go to area organizations offering direct aid.)
We are truly all “In This Together.” Let’s do what we can to help.