
Robin Enan

Robin is a Bay Area native who spent eight years on the East Coast (college, journalism school and work) before returning to California with her husband Basil in 2007. She's the mom of a boy and two girls born in 2012, 2014, and 2017 and works as a freelance journalist when the kids allow. Exercise is her highly valued "me time," and in early 2016 she became a Bar Method instructor in Palo Alto.
fit4mom prenatal postnatal fitness classes

Fit4Mom: Exercise or Mom Therapy? Maybe Both!

This post is in partnership with Fit4Mom. I feel I should start with a confession: When I agreed to write about Fit4Mom, a fitness program designed for prenatal and postnatal moms, I was kind of...

Pregnancy Is a Life Sentence

Pregnancy never ends. I mean, yes, technically once you deliver your baby you are no longer "with child," but there are parts of your body nowhere near your uterus that somehow don't get the memo.    It...

How To Ignore Parenting How-To’s

  Parenting wisdom isn't hard to find these days. From online newsletters to social media to - ahem - mom blogs, you don't need to look any farther than your smartphone to access a range...

How I Stopped Secretly Hating Breastfeeding

It took having three kids for me to discover that there’s a wrong way to feed your baby – and that I’d totally screwed it up the first two times. I don’t mean breast milk...
teaching about feelings

Why I’m Teaching My Kids the F-Word

Not surprisingly when it comes to the F-word, the whole messy scene happened in the car.    I was driving my then three- and four-year-olds to preschool last fall, and, after numerous, increasingly loud declarations from...
toy clutter

Am I Decluttering the Joy Out of My Kids’ Childhood?

I didn't mean to turn my five-year-old into a hoarder.    In fact, as a compulsively tidy person who loves nothing more than a good clutter purge, I was more than mildly alarmed to start finding...
making mom friends

The Wrong Kind of Mom Friend

When it comes to surviving parenthood, mom friends rank right up there with food, sleep, even caffeine. But not all mom friends are created equal. In fact, some may be holding you back or...

How to Stay Sane (and Even Have Fun) When Dad’s Away

Evening is approaching and the natives are getting restless (i.e. hungry, whiny, increasingly prone to assaulting one another). And guess what? Dad is working late/out of town/fill-in-the-blank and you’re managing this circus solo up...

The REAL Developmental Milestones I’m Waiting For

  With three kids ages 5 and under, including a young infant, I’m deep in “milestone-tracking” territory. Checkups seem to be checklists more than anything else, as my kids continue to develop into humans who...

It’s OK to Lean Out – At Least for a Little While

The major winter holidays may be over, but somehow things don’t seem to be slowing down. Nearly every mom I know has been lamenting their packed family calendar, and it often feels like activities...
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