5 Relaxing Self-Care Ideas for New Mothers


    5 Relaxing Self-Care Ideas for New Mothers

    As a new mom, it may feel overwhelming to take care of your baby while handling daily tasks. In the midst of things, you can forget about yourself. But for all mothers, self-care is super important! If you’re a new mom, check out these five relaxing self-care ideas for new mothers. 


    It’s tempting to knock out tasks on your to-do list while the baby sleeps, but you should rest, too. Napping is a self-care option that will relax your body while you recharge. However, if you have trouble resting throughout the day, you can use essential oils for sleep to help you nap. And when you wake up, you will be ready to tackle the rest of the day.

    Spa Afternoon

    From constantly changing diapers to making bottles, it’s easy to go into full-mommy mode. However, it’s still important to give yourself some TLC. And you can achieve this by planning a spa afternoon. Whether you book a spa visit or relax in your home, don’t forget to pamper yourself! If you’re leaning toward an at-home spa afternoon, here are some things you can do:

    • Put on a face mask
    • Give yourself a pedicure
    • Soak in a bath
    • Watch TV in a comfy robe

    Day Trip

    If you’re interested in getting out of the house, going on a day trip is a relaxing self-care idea for new mothers. Call your friends and make plans to do activities in your city. Whether you all go to brunch, visit a new museum, or get mani/pedis, a day trip is perfect for decompressing. When you’re out of the house for a few hours, you will come back refreshed!


    When you have time to yourself, put down your phone, turn off the TV, and dive into a book. Reading is a simple pleasure that many people enjoy, and you can spend quality time with yourself by starting a new book. If you need extra motivation, consider joining a virtual book club to engage with other people.


    Walking is a game-changer for physical and mental health. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break, go for a walk. A stroll around your neighborhood will expose you to fresh air and new scenery while you get time to yourself. And the best part about this self-care idea is that you can do it every day. Schedule time for a daily stroll to relax your mind and body.


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