{Homemade Art Projects with Sara} Feel Better Fire Truck


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    This is a series of posts by our contributor Amy, where she shares fun and easy art projects that she does with her 5-year-old daughter, Sara. All of the homemade art projects are designed for and/or by Sara and are meant to be low cost (always), worth keeping/gifting (sometimes), and a manageable mess (never).

    Art: Feel Better Fire Truck

    Occasion: The perfect toy   

    Level of Difficulty: 2 (Low)


    • flat piece of cardboard from a box (1ftx1ft)
    • red paint (we used Melissa & Doug poster paint)
    • paintbrush
    • googly eyes
    • white pipe cleaners
    • scissors
    • tape
    • glue
    • x-acto knife (to cut the cardboard)

    Sara designed and built this fire truck for her two-year-old brother Jack. Whenever Jack gets hurt I scoop him up, take him to the window and show him the trucks outside to distract him. One day Jack wasn’t feeling well. While he was napping Sara decided to make him this fire truck so when he woke up I could take him to the window and he could see his very own fire truck outside and feel better.

    Step 1: Build your fire truck

    1. Sketch out the body of your fire truck onto the cardboard using the below guide/measurements.
    2. Cut along the outer edges of your sketch to cut out your truck.
    3. Fold down the (longer) sides and the (shorter) ends of the cardboard.
    4. Attach the sides to the ends with glue.

    Step 2. Paint your fire truck

    1. Use your red paint and paint your fire truck all over.

    Step 3. Add a ladder and a hose

    1. For the ladder, cut two long pieces of pipe cleaner for each side and six short pieces for the rungs. Glue the rungs to the sides. Tape the ladder to the side of the fire truck.
    2. For the hose, role up a pipe cleaner and tape it to the side.

    Step 4. Add a happy face

    1. Tape two googly eyes to the front of your fire truck.
    2. Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and tape on the mouth.

    Step 5. Present your fire truck

    1. As they say, it is as all about the packaging, and you could not fit more love into this one. 


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    Amy is a technologist by trade and a writer by nature. Wife to a dashing web designer, mother to a beautiful, thoughtful daughter, adorable, slightly less civilized son, and a Yorkshire Terrier who came first and is still waiting for the non- furry babies to leave. As a work-from-home mom, she believes work/life balance is not a concept but a daily (sometimes exhausting) goal. She is always in search of a community that fosters her belief that sameness is boring, money is only a means to see the world and there are no rules we should impose on one another in this life other than Be Kind. She loves her family, lives to travel, and firmly believes that a homemade meal, a handmade cocktail and an episode of the Bachelor (a day late because she doesn’t own a tv) can cure almost anything.


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