University of Tennessee Study: Relationship Abuse


Editor’s Note: We know this is an unusual time and you may be in closer contact with the person who was abusive. Please only take this survey if you can do so privately. The researchers provide tips for clearing your browser at the beginning and end of the survey.

Experiencing abuse in romantic relationships and marriage is sadly not uncommon. Given that that 1 in 4 women will experience abuse in a romantic relationship during their lifetime, it is likely that this topic hits close to home for you personally as a victim, survivor, friend, or family member of someone who has experienced relationship abuse. Perhaps more importantly is learning what we can do to support one another, whether we know their stories or not. No one’s story is the same, but perhaps there are some common themes that may be found that can determine prevention, intervention, and support.

Our partners at The University of Tennessee are seeking San Francisco Bay Area Moms who have experienced abuse by a current or former romantic partner within the last 5 years for a study. This is voluntary and anonymous. If you are interested, visit to learn more.

There is a possibility that you may benefit from taking the survey, but there is no guarantee that will happen. Possible benefits include finding it helpful to share your personal experiences through an anonymous survey and knowing that you are adding to the knowledge and awareness surrounding women’s experiences of abuse in romantic relationships.

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Tracy is the Director of Programming and Partnerships for Darkness to Light, a child sexual abuse prevention organization. She grew up in northeast Ohio, and has lived in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Northern Virginia and has worked in the arts, in education, in non-profits and in ed tech. Her husband's job brought them to the Bay Area and there's no looking back! Tracy is mom to two trans teens who are just beginning their journey. Self-care includes pedicures, reading, cooking, crafting, and just being with her family. She also serves as Chair of the Board for the Attachment and Trauma Network, a national non-profit.


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