You’re Invited! A Virtual Book Club


As all you hard-working moms know, it’s difficult to find the peace and quiet to sit down and leisurely read a book. Maybe some of you are lucky enough to be in a book club. But if not, if you’re like me and find it tough to fit that into your life during these young mommy days, perhaps I could invite you to join our Virtual Book Club! 

In this virtual book club, you don’t have to show up anywhere.  You don’t have to bring any snacks.  You can read whichever books you want whenever it works best for you. 

This is our starting point! We’d love your suggestions on mom-related books you’ve loved and books you’d love to read!

How it works:

At the beginning of each month, we will list our book and the day that we will review the book on the blog! Soon, we will have a tab at the top of our homepage menu for our book club list and review posts to be viewed at any time!

If you would like to contribute to our book discussion (please do!!) you can:

  1. Email us at to possibly have your quote in our review post 
  2. Comment on our Facebook post announcing our review post
  3. Comment on the blog post itself

Or you can just read the books and blog posts at your leisure! 

Our first book will be Kim John Payne’s Simplicity Parenting

and our review will be posted October 16th. 


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