TGIF! Here are our picks for kid-friendly events happening on the Peninsula this weekend. Visit San Francisco Moms Blog for things to do in the city. Add other upcoming events to our new community calendar, launching soon!
In your downtime, catch up on our articles from the week. Keep scrolling or click here to jump to the links. Enjoy your weekend!
What to Do
Disney’s Tarzan at Palo Alto Players
1305 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto
September 7 – 23rd
For children ages 3 and up. Enjoy the stage musical adaptation of the classic Disney film. Check website for all dates and times.
Family Yoga at Blossom
290 California Ave, Palo Alto
Sat., 10:30-11:30 am
“Family Yoga is perfect for you and your toddler! Enjoy vitalizing yoga poses engaging your child, joyful meditation and singing plus time to connect with other parents. Have two or more? Bring them all. Children join for free.”
Draeger’s Market Fall Fest
Draeger’s Market, Menlo Park
Sat.: 11:00 am-3:00 pm
“Fall is in the air; it’s time to sample some comfort food, sign up for our pie eating and corn husking competitions, decorate caramel apples, play pumpkin ring toss, wine taste and more!”
St. Mark’s Community Faire
600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto
Sunday, 11:15am- 1:00pm
Come and join the fun at the Community Faire! Barbecue lunch, the Big Jazz Band, activities and games for kids and teens, the ever-popular cake walk and more.
Courthouse Square, Redwood City
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
“Andy Z, winner of Disney Interactive’s iParenting Media Award, delights kids and kids-at-heart with his musical adventures in the make-believe world of Andyland. His music has been heard on NBC’s Today Show and his performances have been featured in the Pandora Video Series and on the Pottery Barn Kids Style house website. Children are drawn in by his energetic music that runs the gamut from educational to just plain silly; dance songs to sing-a-longs to full body movement. Genres include rock, British pop, jazz, folk, country, hip-hop, blues, Irish and classic traditional kids’ tunes. The Andyland Band makes the most of the harmonic energy provided by an electric performance and feature props and costumes. Their dynamic performances are not to be missed.”
What to Read
In case you missed it, here are the week’s posts from San Francisco Moms Blog and Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog.
Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog
How to Move Baby to Crib and Toddler to a Big Bed
Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, fields your questions on how to transition your little ones to new sleeping quarters.
Fun and Educational Online Activities
Stuck inside with the kids? Use screen time for good with these ideas.
SAHMs Can Raise Strong, Independent Daughters, Too
Andrea shares her insecurities about choosing to stay home with her girls and how she’s committed to raising them to be strong and independent no matter the stigma of a SAHMs may face.
We Are Moms, Keepers of the Poop
Rebecca gets real and talks about how and why poop moms can talk about their kids’ poop all day and all night. It turns out that poop may just unite us all.
The ABCs of Chaperoning School Field Trips
Inger’s been on her fair share of field trips and gives her best tips and truths for making it the best experience possible for you and the kids.
Why a Visit to the Chiropractor Is Good for Moms
Laura visited the chiropractor during her third trimester of pregnancy and shares what she learned and how it helped.
Why Live Theater is Great for Kids
Jen offers her best recommendations for age-appropriate theater experiences for little ones.
Scheduled Mommy Meltdowns Help Me Be a Better Mother
Sysamone literally holes herself up in her room for an entire day and cries over sappy movies as a cathartic release from all the pressures of being a single, working mom. She tells us just why she finds this so helpful.
Potty Training Reminders
Help potty training go smoothly for your toddler and for you with these simple reminders.
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