This is a week full of anticipation as my husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary yesterday and my daughter starts kindergarten on Monday! I will be very surprised if I cry when we drop her off. . . tears usually aren’t my thing, but we shall see. I’ll let you know next Friday!
Here’s what caught my eye this week.
Rigatoni with Spicy Chicken Sausage
I forgot all about this recipe for a while but made it again this week. Still a winner! The best part – it’s from gold medal figure skater Brian Boitano!
Insatiable for Insatiable
My husband and I binge-watched the Netflix series Insatiable over the past week. I loved it – a funny and clever way to tackle serious topics, so I was surprised to hear about all the backlash it has received. Have you seen it? What did you think?
Farewell Baby
The mother Orca who grieved her dead calf has finally let it go after 17 days and 1,000 miles. It’s such a touching story of grief and moving on, but the environmental reasons the whales are ailing continues to be a concern.
Can't Get No Respect
I love this post about why toddlers deserve more respect. They are real people with real emotions. They just happened to be pint-sized and still figuring life out (who isn’t?!)
Crash Course in Art Appreciation
Confession: I don’t like art. I’ve never appreciated it, and I know I’m missing out and I’m not doing my kids any favors by not exposing them to it. This feature in the New York Times on how to appreciate art is exactly what I need.
In case you missed it, here are the week’s posts from San Francisco Moms Blog and Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog.
Book That Boudoir Photo Shoot
I share a less than ideal experience taking boudoir photos and tells you how you can get the perfect boudoir experience that she never had.
What to Do When You Don’t Like Your Kid
Yep, Robin said it. Sometimes we don’t like the way we’re behaving no matter how much we love them. Here’s how to cope.
When It’s the End of the Firsts
It can be a strange feeling to know something may be the “last first” you experience with your child. Erika shares what it’s like for her.
Nurturing Our Kids’ Friendships
Genevieve reminds us that it’s important to help our little ones development friendships, so they have consistency when they go through periods of transition.
Printable Back to School Signs
Use our code to order customized back to school signs from local stationery designer, Sarah Tarantino, of Ted & Kate.
Moms’ Summer Workout Recap
If you missed our summer workout party at Equinox in San Mateo, check out our recap and join us for our next event!
Where to Live for Good Schools
I explain why it’s important to get clear on what a “good school” means to you because it may influence where you end up living.
How to Treat Mommy Wrist (aka Mommy Thumb)
We asked an orthopedic surgeon how to prevent Mommy Wrist and care for it if you have it.
All About Vaginal Rejuvenation
We had one of our contributors try a non-invasive vaginal tightening procedure, and the results are in and they are amazing!
Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies
Jen shares her strategies for sneaking veggies into her kids’ favorite meals.
Summertime Memories
I explain why and how she’s making a simple summer scrapbook to savor her family’s memories before the rush of the school year begins.
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