Holidays in India

Holidays in India

Every year, for the Christmas / Thanksgiving vacation, we usually make plans that involve traveling to visit family in various countries. For the last five years, however, there hasn't been much in the way of travel due to the...
We have a ritual called Hopes & Dreams, where we reflect on what we learned in the prior year and what we want most in the New Year. First, the reflections. Answer these 3 questions for 2023: What were the...
Editor's Note: If you struggle with mental illness, please see a mental health professional. They are incredible allies and part of any healthy support system. -- If you have a complicated relationship with alcohol, I'm here to tell you that you're not...
The day after Thanksgiving marks the "official” beginning of the holiday season. The sight of sparkly lights and decorations, the sounds of seasonal music, and the smells and tastes of festive foods can create different feelings for us all—from...
The women, especially moms, in your life deserve the chicest and rave-worthy presents. While we understand the giving spirit of the season, we certainly won't mind being pleasantly surprised (or spoiled, for that matter) from time to...
There are a lot of resources out there that can help us keep all the children in our lives safe, and it can be difficult to sort through what is effective and what you should invest your time and...
By Molly Ressler and Michelle Corley Wing  An estimated 1 in 5 homeless pregnant women give birth prematurely (double the national rate), posing both immediate and lifelong health challenges for the newborn. Homeless pregnant women are also less likely to...
As the loving and responsible dog owner that you are, you might already know why it’s important to monitor your dog’s weight. However, it’s worth taking a more in-depth look at why your furry friend’s weight matters so much...
How do you fundraise with your fellow parents at school? My littles are in the 1st and 2nd grades. Since pre-school, I have participated in the PTA and my kids' classrooms, and one thing has stayed the same every...
As homeowners, we often focus on keeping our homes pleasant and comfortable. This comfort and pleasantness includes regular maintenance, renovations, and household aesthetics. However, a vital aspect we often ignore is checking our electrical systems and appliances. Electrical fires account...

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