Hooray for the weekend! Something about making it to the weekend still feels just as exciting to me as it did when I was a kid. Last weekend we went to Mountain Lake Park for the first time and...
And just like that, it's March! After an unsuccessful skiing adventure with our three- and four-year-olds last weekend, I'm looking forward to laying low, staying local, and watching the Oscars on Sunday (even though I haven't seen a single...
I’m willing to bet that most parental units have only seen one or two Oscar-nominated films this year and those were probably the family movies:  COCO, The Boss Baby, or Beauty and the Beast. In general, we don’t have time...
Yay for the weekend! This weekend my husband and I are hosting my son’s birthday party at Recess - Urban Recreation, and I can’t wait to celebrate our little boy! In preparation I’ll be busy making yummy vegan cupcakes...
Around the country, teenagers are stepping up and speaking out against gun violence and demanding gun reform after yet another violent school shooting. Regardless of your stance on this issue, it is inspiring to see kids using the only...
I'm in a nostalgic mood this week, so I'm sharing links to things that have stuck with me long after I first saw them. Tell me your favorites, too! Tired of asking your kids, "How was your day?" Try these...
I made the mistake of engaging with a family member about a meme he shared on Facebook. In real life, I've known this guy my whole life and love him, but our Facebook personas do not see eye to...
With news of mass-shootings everywhere I want to protect my toddler son. It's too soon for him to know about the pain of the world, but I think about what I will teach him. I wrote him this letter...
The other morning, while walking my daughters to school, a man roared by in an enormous red pickup truck and told me to f-off. Not verbally, but with his finger. He was driving way too fast and I made...
Happy long weekend! I’m so excited for three days of family fun and some much-needed relaxation.  I’m getting a facial at the Nob Hill Spa on Sunday and I cannot wait to check it out! Do you have any...

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6 Poses for Mother’s Day Yoga with the Kids

Whether you work outside the home or inside the home, being a mom is priceless. May is for mothers (and mental health). How will...
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