(This post is in partnership with Mike Lloyd Photography.)

I bought a Groupon for a boudoir photography session back when Groupon was at its peak popularity. I’ve written a little bit about why I wanted to take sexy photos, but I’ve never shared details of the actual experience because, honestly, it wasn’t that great. I think the photographer was unprepared for the amount of interest she got through Groupon, so my thirty-minute mini-session amounted to her rushing me through awkward poses while she either stopped to check for hits on her online dating profile or apologized for all of the places in her studio/apartment where her cat had peed. It was the opposite of sexy.
I wish I had an experience like photographer Mike Lloyd provides. He’ll work with you in advance to plan your outfits and poses for the shoot, so you feel comfortable and beautiful on the big day. Then, Mike arranges for some much-deserved pampering to get you ready for your close up. A professional stylist will do your hair and makeup while you sip champagne. Mike will walk you through how to get the perfect poses, so you’ll look like a professional model by the end. Be prepared to say, “Oh my gosh, is that really me?!” when you see the proofs. Don’t believe me? Check out his Instagram account @mikelloydphoto. It’s full of tasteful shots like this:

The best part, you don’t have to wait forever and a day to actually see the end result. After the session, you’ll take a break while Mike pulls together the best images from the shoot for you to review. Pick the ones you want professionally printed, and in one to two weeks, you’ll receive your perfectly touched up prints!
This is how a professional boudoir photo shoot should go!
You have a chance to win a free session with Mike (a $399 value) on our Facebook page! You’ll get to experience everything I’ve described above and only pay for the prints you choose at the end of the session.
There are lots of reasons why you should take boudoir photos, but sometimes it’s more fun to ask, “Why not?!” Celebrate your body and revisit the sensual side of yourself that may have gotten lost after motherhood. Even though my boudoir photo shoot was nothing like the wonderful experience Mike provides, I’m still glad I did one (and now I kind of want to do another one). No amount of Instagram filters can replace the expertise Mike brings to the shoot, and I have no doubt you’ll end up seeing yourself in a whole new light. Make time to reenergize your sexy side. You (and your partner) will be happy you did!
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