Glass Half Full: Choosing Gratitude in Motherhood


    The air is getting cooler, and Thanksgiving is around the corner. It’s easy to feel sentimental when surrounded by family and eating pumpkin pie, but how can we give thanks in the everyday moments of parenting? More specifically, how can we give thanks when motherhood is hard? Maybe it’s just a shift in how we look at things. How can you be a glass half full mama?

    • Remember you are living the life you once dreamed of. Remember all the wishing and waiting for your little one and family.
    • Remember everything is temporary. One day you will look back at these days and smile.
    • Remember that to your little one, you are everything. S/he looks up to you. All s/he wants is for you to provide connection, love, and stability.
    • Remember what’s important. What can you let go of?
    • Remember you are not alone. Ask your spouse and/or family for help. Remember there are other mamas out there struggling with similar issues. Reach out to someone who understands.

    gratitude in motherhoodWhat are your tips for choosing gratitude?


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