3 Little Birds Flying Into Summer


School is coming to an end. That means a much-needed time out from the daily rinse-and-repeat routines and finding a new rhythm for summer. Each year, for our family, three things need to happen.


1. Take a break. Do nothing. Every year, when school is out, we need two weeks of nothing—no schedule, no demands. It is a great time to clean out the schoolwork and outgrown closets. This creates closure for us for the school year in review. Deciding what to keep and what to let go is the best beginning of summer exercise for us. It’s important to be bored, too!


2. Take a trip. I know families who get on a plane the day school is out; that’s not us. We are ready to travel toward the end of June and July. Sometimes, I dread the task of packing and unpacking. Why do we have so much stuff?! Go back to #1. Want to get it all into one bag, I really loved this!


3. Take the kids to camp. Do your kids have an “outdoor play deficit“? Sleepaway camps are great! My kids also loved local camps where they spent the day outdoors, doing yoga, hiking, snacking, and connecting with other kids. Why ” risky play” helps kids develop essential life skills. Plus, what to say instead of “be careful” — even if you’re freaking out a little. Deep breaths. Our camps are for ages 4-12, so it’s great for siblings and friends. Older kids gain leadership skills even if they are new to yoga, which benefits all ages physically, mentally, and emotionally.

School is coming to an end. What does it mean for your family? Where will your birds fly to? I can’t wait to hear all about it. 

P.S. Kick off your summer with us at Metta Yoga on June 15.


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