How Six Bins Solved Our Problem


As the “back to school” routine started this week, I knew I needed to tackle the “afternoon pick-up snack” issue. 

My toddlers in daycare are always starving when I pick them up. Traffic exasperates the ride home, and they are kvetchy throughout. 

I need to bring snacks for them, yet somehow, when the clock strikes 3:00 and I need to rush out to pick them up, I have no head space to figure out what to grab, so I take my fallback, cereal. 

And then I had an incredible Marie Kondo moment!

I bought six stackable bins from Target (Brightroom). Each bin was labeled a day of the week, and the sixth was labeled “miscellaneous.” Later that week, I stocked up on different snack types, and they each went into a different bin: applesauce pouches, granola bars, dried fruit strips, apple chips, Kind bars, and popcorn. Any excess went into the “miscellaneous” bin, as did the extra snacks that the kids enjoyed.

The first couple of days using this method have been my family’s game-changers! 

The kids enjoy their treats on the way home and have no tears. 

It’s easy to grab from the pantry and be on my way quickly.

I’m so glad I took the time to figure out a system. Thank you, Target and Marie, for showing me a way to meet this challenge. 


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