A Letter to My First Baby, My Fur Baby


    fur babyTo my dearest fur baby, who we lovingly call Nut-sé,  you have been so wonderful. I wish you knew how much I appreciate you. Becoming a mother has been a journey for me, and I am sure you’ve had your own journey, too. I know you will never be able to read this, but I do believe you, and all first born fur babies, deserve some acknowledgement. Therefore, I write.

    When I was pregnant with your brother, so many people would tell us to be careful of the baby around you.  You might become jealous and eat the baby or try to sit on its head and suffocate the baby! I would patiently listen, but, in our hearts, we knew it didn’t sound like you. Still we did our best to prepare you for the arrival of the newest addition. I know nothing can truly prepare you, but we did what we could.
    To no surprise, you took to your new brother, E, very well. In no time, we could see that you would be best buds. Sometimes I felt like I had two kids. You would irritate the baby by putting your paw on his face and making him fuss, or he would irritate you by grabbing your tail. Within a year, you two have seemed to work things out. When I see E hug you, give you some of his food, kiss your nose or paw, or put his head against yours, I know he loves you. I love seeing you two interact, but I can’t help to apologize for all the abuse you’ve taken this last year or so.

    This is why we feel you deserve some acknowledgment – not because you put up with being hit by wooden blocks, poked repeatedly with straws, or being used as a stepping stool – but because you understand.  You get that, at times, you won’t be fed breakfast until 9:00, 10:00, or even 11:00 AM. You don’t hold it against us when days go by and you haven’t been out for a walk.  You know when I tap you off my lap it is because I just need some space, since I’ve been breastfeeding and holding E all day. You are and have always been the best fur baby.

    Yet, I still feel bad when we don’t always take you with us when we run errands, or how it upsets us when your barking wakes up the baby. Mostly, I am sorry that you were once the king of our home, where photos of you filled our phone, car rides were plentiful, massages and petting flowed in abundance, walks were regular, and cuddles were always welcomed.  Now, you are just the well-loved, well fed Nut-sé of our lives with the occasional cameo appearances in our photo stream.  We just want to thank you for knowing that every day, deep down, you are and always will be our fur baby.



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