2021 Top Baby Names in San Francisco


The top San Francisco baby names for 2021 so far are Cordelia and Milo. Nameberry, the world’s largest website devoted to baby names, calculated which names were viewed most often by visitors from 12 leading US cities, including San Francisco.

San Francisco’s Number 1 girl name is the outlier Cordelia, a Shakespearean name that does not even make the official US Top 1000 baby names. San Francisco is the only city out of 12 in which Cordelia ranks.

Milo is the Number 1 name in San Francisco for boys. In addition to San Francisco, Milo is the top boy name in Washington, DC. Milo also ranks in the Top 10 lists of New York, Chicago, Dallas, and Seattle.

Girl names that rank on San Francisco’s Top 10 and no other city’s are Cordelia, Agnes, and Lucia. Boy names that are unique to San Francisco’s Top 10 are the gender-neutral names, Cameron and Emery.

Top San Francisco Girl Names

  1. Cordelia
  2. Quinn
  3. Agnes
  4. Anna
  5. Ava
  6. Eleanor
  7. Lucia
  8. Luna
  9. Amara
  10. Aria

Top San Francisco Boy Names

  1. Milo
  2. Atlas
  3. James
  4. Silas
  5. Atticus
  6. August
  7. Cameron
  8. Emery
  9. Ezra
  10. Finn


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