*This post is sponsored – but the thoughts and feelings are our own, and we only work with businesses we believe to be reputable and resourceful to our readers. Some of us are soccer moms, basketball moms or a...
When my son went to high school this year, I was dismayed by the fact that he was allowed to use his phone throughout the day. Now, my view has changed completely! Because he has his phone, I get...

Trouble at School

My son got into some trouble at school last week. It involved an inside joke among a large group of kids, but my son’s solo bad decision made it public. No one knew his part in it, and if...
Sleep issues. They are probably one of the most challenging parts of parenting. Not only is each child different, but their patterns can also change unexpectedly and unpredictably, leaving us sleep-deprived as well as frustrated and confused. There are...
Becoming a mom sometimes feels like a waking version of that dream where you’re forced to take a final exam for a class you never attended: you are pretty much guaranteed to screw something up big time. In fact,...
As infants become toddlers, children begin the process of individuating or separating from their parents.  This process, which starts around 15 months, continues through the teenage years and is critical for a child to eventually develop her own identity,...

The Parent Trap

Our son started high school and within weeks, our social life stopped cold. All of a sudden, he is out on Friday and Saturday nights with new kids we’ve never met doing various teenage things around town. One night...
Milestones. It’s word I’ve grown accustomed to since giving birth to my daughter, Ilse. According to Webster’s Dictionary, “milestones are actions or events marking a significant change in development.” Pregnancy had milestones; like the day we confirmed that we...
After my first daughter was born, I miraculously transformed into an extraordinarily confident and capable human. Although I knew enough not to mention it, I could feel my invisible SuperMom cape flapping behind me. I was so perfectly superhuman...
Looking for answers to your mommy questions? Curious about popular parenting topics or wanting to hear from various national experts? If so, the website www.drstevesilvestro.com is for you! The man behind this great resource, Dr. Steve Silvestro, shares his...

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