Standardized Testing: Love it? Hate it? Not sure about it? California public school students in Grades 3-8 and 11 participate in annual standardized testing called the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (Smarter Balanced or SBAC, for short). Here are some facts that...
So, what is unschooling? Unschooling is actually a term coined by John Holt in the '70s. Much like other things, it is a rather flexible term but the general idea is that learning happens without a curriculum. Unschooling is often...
My kids are six and eight. When I remember back to my childhood at that age, I was folding laundry for the family (not just my own), doing dishes on a tri-weekly rotation with my two siblings, dusting the...
With Teacher Appreciation Week around the corner, it's time to brainstorm a gift for your kid's teachers. It’s often the norm these days to do class group gifts for these occasions to avoid the teacher’s mug and candle collection...
Editor's Note: This is part 2 of 2 posts. Read part 1 here. Books I was a bookworm when I was in grade school and college so I happen to appreciate traditional learning with books. Alas, not all books are created...
The first time you hear your child use a curse word goes one of two ways. You're either shocked and horrified to hear such vulgar words coming out your sweet angel's mouth, or you're stifling laughter so hard that...

Kindergarten Memories

I am not a crafty mom. I am not a creative mom, and before you try to console me, let me tell you about a few #fails. Halloween costumes come from Amazon or Zulily, because the one time I...
Having been a classroom teacher, school administrator, and mother to a child with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), I know what a child’s rights are when it comes to their education.  I know what all of those acronyms are (FERPA,...
This time of year marks a major transition from summer freedom to fall structure. Typically, parents are preparing for the school year with closet cleanses and refreshing clothing and school supplies. Kids are feeling excitedly nervous about their new...
This post is in partnership with Revolution Foods. Last August, I wrote about the healthy eating strategies I planned to execute for my family to kick off the new school year. Now that the year is winding down, I...

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