I am not a morning person, and this is one of my greatest challenges as a mom.  I like my quiet time in the morning- ha, hilarious, right? Before kids, I would wake up early to enjoy the news...
I started taking my twins to little classes/activities around town at about six months old. Initially, I would only do it if I could get my husband to come or on the rare occasion that a grandparent was in...
I don't know what it's like in your house, but right before my kids' bedtime, they get a crazy burst of energy. After they've taken a final sip of milk, and the credits are rolling on an episode of...
Intentions for 2024

Intentions for 2024

As February approaches, the buzz of the holidays is no longer in the air. The last decorations have been stored away, and the silence is deafening because the kids are back in school; I have found myself thinking about...
When you're already stuck at home, you might as well potty train your toddler right? I personally think there's too much of a to-do about whether kids are "ready" and that it's usually about whether the parents are ready!...
We have been lucky beyond our wildest dreams to have two toddlers who, by and large, have been great about going down for a twelve hour stretch at night. Both kids have been sleep trained since around the age of...
Editor's Note: For more resources on setting up your toddler or preschooler's rooms, please read our Ultimate Moving Guide! As a general rule, if the toy you're considering for your toddler or preschooler has batteries, think twice before buying it....
How do you fundraise with your fellow parents at school? My littles are in the 1st and 2nd grades. Since pre-school, I have participated in the PTA and my kids' classrooms, and one thing has stayed the same every...
Every mom of a toddler knows that meltdowns happen. When our little people come face to face with their big feelings, let’s just say everyone has a hard time. I have a few new tricks and tips for you...
We always hoped our kids would learn a second language, but this has proven difficult. My husband knows Mandarin, and I know some Spanish, and while we had intended to speak to our kids in these languages, we don’t...

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