Mom’s Mealtime Helper for Back to School


Do you ever watch those fitness videos on social media where the extra slim (and somehow also tall) mom prepares three weeks’ worth of food into fifteen containers onto her counter, then looks up at the camera to suggest, “What? You don’t do this?” Ah, the joys of social media.

Don’t get me wrong. I am health-conscious, and I count macros most days out of the week. I eat clean, most days out of the week. Guess who doesn’t? My toddlers. Guess who doesn’t want to care about portion control? My husband. Does this mean that I make separate meals every night for my family? No. I am not superhuman. I am also not obsessed with meal prepping. Most people meal prep on Sunday nights, and to me, Sunday nights feel like the last opportunity that I’ll get to relax before the week starts. The last thing I want to do is make sure that I have seven Tupperware containers with matching lids.

Since March of 2021, I’ve been using Pocket Chefs. Every other Sunday at 5pm, Ebony from Pocket Chefs comes over and cooks food from my pantry. We start by discussing what kind of week my family is going to have. We talk about how many visitors will be at our house that week and how many playdates my kids will have. She makes a certain amount of ‘kid-friendly food’ and adult portion proteins based on our needs. We have starchy sides and leafy greens that can be dressed up or not. I’ve written about them before, and I’ll do it again because this service is impressive, affordable, and the food is fantastic every single time.

I know what you must be thinking, “This has to be expensive.” Consider that date night that you took last month post-COVID, where you went to a happy hour and then dinner? Pocket Chefs is a fraction of that kind of night and well below a monthly subscription to a meal prep service.

If I have to pinpoint my favorite part, besides the actual food, the Pocket Chefs clean up before they go. On Monday morning, I am left with a clean kitchen, with delicious food for each of my family’s preferences, from food that was already in my pantry – I mean, it’s better than a night out!

Monday through Thursday of the following week, after the chef has been at my house, my refrigerator is stacked with containers full of yummy, healthy food that all of my family can eat. I can modify the meals to fit my kid’s cravings for carbohydrates and my husband’s flavor for savory. I can adjust according to my health needs and even include a cheat meal.

Enjoy these pics – as I’ve enjoyed the meals!! Hire them. It changes everything.

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If you decide you are ready to give them a try, be sure to mention ‘SFMOMS’ when signing up

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Olga Rosales Salinas is Managing Editor for San Francisco Bay Area Moms. As a freelance writer and journalist, her articles have been published nationally by Palabra, National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Her debut collection of poetry and prose, La Llorona, was published by Birch Bench Press in August of 2021. Her monthly column "Thriving While Anxious" is featured @ Jumble & Flow. In 2019 her philanthropy and activism began with a non-profit benefiting first-generation and immigrant students, The Rosales Sisters' Scholarship. She has had spotlights in the following podcasts and radio stations; Los Sotelos Podcast, The Hive Poetry Collective, Walk the Talk Podcast, "Making a Difference with Sheetal Ohri" on Bolly 92.3 FM, and Roll Over Easy @BFFdotFM Radio.


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