As a fifth-generation ABC (American Born Chinese) and a long-time practitioner of Chinese martial arts, I am self-admittedly a hodgepodge of American and Chinese culture. Family traditions on Western holidays are sprinkled with Chinese elements (think Thanksgiving turkey stuffed...
A few weeks ago, I heard a school superintendent on the radio refer to children living through the 2020 pandemic as a “lost generation.” The phrase “lost generation” cut through me like a knife. I burst into tears, allowing...
This day was a gift. It didn't take away the stress of the past four months. Or how horrible things are with society collapsing and over 120,000 deaths and no new movies being made and the Zoo closed and...
One major silver lining of the pandemic is the amount of time my family is getting to spend together.
Pre-COVID, my daughter and I woke up at 7:30 a.m. while my husband, who had finished work at midnight the night...
I became a first-time, stay-at-home mom in my 30's. I never really envisioned what my life would be like after becoming a mom, I simply went with the flow and did whatever felt right. While I knowingly and willingly...
Our phones are our lives. Let’s face it: we are glued to them. When we are not texting, we are scrolling through emails, our social media feeds, or clicking “purchase now” on our favorite retail apps. We don’t keep...
We never had the terrible twos, but boy did we have a threenager. Year three is sort of when I found myself no longer able to be the mom I wanted to be, if I’m bold enough to admit...
I could never have predicted how 2020 would pan out when I decided to take time off work after having a baby, and we’re not even halfway through the year.
After making that decision (and being fortunate enough to have...
Until a few months ago, much of my identity was a mystery to my kids. Sure, they knew what I did with them, but they had very little clue what I did without them, despite my attempts to explain...
I read a meme the other day that made me both laugh and cry. It said, “Sitting alone in your car outside your house counts as self-care.” This hit home for me because since Shelter-in-Place started many weeks ago,...