For many parents, having “the talk” is a frightening and embarrassing thought. But what if I told you it shouldn’t be? Better yet, what if I told you how to do it so that it is as natural as...
Congrats on your new baby boy! Here is your guide to the two new additions to your family: your baby and his penis. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was sure it was a girl. Not really...
Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, and I recently hosted a Facebook Live to answer your questions about toddler sleep regressions, and, oh boy, were there a lot of them! This is SUCH a challenging issue for many...
I sat down recently in a Facebook Live with Ayelet Marinovich, a pediatric speech-language pathologist, founder of Strength in Words, and author of Understanding Your Baby to discuss how to support your baby's early communication. Ayelet shares practical and easy...
I sat down with our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, on Facebook Live to talk about newborn sleep. In our twenty-minute talk, find out how long the newborn stage lasts and learn tips for creating healthy sleep habits...
Every mother is happier when her baby is sleeping well, so when it's time to move your baby into a crib or your toddler into a bed, it's natural to be nervous about the transition and the possible disruptions the...
It's vacation season! Did you catch Kelly and sleep expert Dr. Sarah Mitchell chatting about ways to help your baby sleep when you're traveling? Whether it's in a hotel, a rental home, or relative's house, there are certain things...
Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, joined Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog founder, Kelly Arditi, to tackle your questions on how to stop your baby from waking up early. With nearly 1,000 views at the time of publishing, this was...
We all know space in San Francisco is an endangered species. I’ve worked with hundreds of families in SF and, if you can think of a non-traditional living situation, I have seen it. Some kiddos are lucky enough to...
Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, joined Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog founder, Kelly Arditi, to answer the age-old question: When will my baby sleep through the night? Sarah wrote an article on this topic last week and used this...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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