Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, and I recently hosted a Facebook Live to answer your questions about toddler sleep regressions, and, oh boy, were there a lot of them! This is SUCH a challenging issue for many...
Every parent has been given some unsolicited advice on sleep. Some of it was even true. Sleep myths abound and being a sleep consultant, let me tell you, I’ve heard almost all of them. The myths survive because in...
If you are looking for ways to save space, save money, and encourage your child to play independently, then allow me to present the Toy Swap Bin. The idea is simple, but the result is genius.
How It Works
I survived the first year! This year of motherhood was such an exciting, emotional rollercoaster. I spent the morning of my son’s birthday looking at pictures from when he was born, trying to wrap my head around how fast...
I am not a doctor. I am not a sleep specialist. I am a mom, and I have been blessed with good sleepers. I like to think they sleep well because I followed certain recommendations, but I am fully...
This post is in partnership with Recess Collective.
We recently moved to the west side of the city, and it’s taken some time to find all the local kids’ hot spots. One of our new favorites, Recess Collective, as it...
When I started writing articles about parenting, I made a personal vow never to write about breastfeeding because it felt overdone; there are already so many blog posts on the topic. Then, I realized exactly why it's such a...
The first 12 weeks of a baby’s life are often called the 4th Trimester because your newborn isn’t quite ready to be out of the womb yet, and their new world can be quite overwhelming and overstimulating. It is...
One of the many hot topics this year has been about the babies conceived during quarantine. I get it, we had to shelter in place and some of us had some extra alone time together. But is it wrong...
Today marks the first month of my boobs being child-free. Again. After 23 months of non-stop attention.
It is still weird and exciting at the same time. As time goes on, you forget the craziness associated with regular breastfeeding. All...