Quiz :: What Your Laundry Style Says About You


USA, California, Ladera Ranch, Laundry hanging on clothesline against blue sky

Summertime makes me think of sunscreen-scented clothing, sandy beach towels and laundry, lots and lots of laundry. The loads seem to increase exponentially, as do the stained clothes. Grass, dirt and popsicle stains are all signs of a good summer, but how you handle them shows more than what kind of laundress you are. Take this quiz to find out what your laundry style says about you.


What’s your laundry routine?

a.  I do at least one load a day to stay on top of it. My hamper never overflows. (3 points)

b.  I save it all up for one day and do six or seven loads, cursing my life but relieved when it’s done. (2 points)

c.  What routine? I forget to move clothes from the washing machine to the dryer and end up re-washing them. We get our clean clothes from the laundry basket because I never get around to folding them. (1 point)


Your baby has a major blowout diaper in his/her brand new white onsie. What’s your next move?

a.  Immediately soak the onsie in a mixture of laundry detergent and cold water overnight. Spot treat stubborn stains the next day before putting in the wash. (3 points)

b.  Use a baby wipe to get rid of left over gunk, then spot treat and add it to the next load. (2 points)

c.  Immediately throw out the onsie. They come in packs of five for a reason. (1 point)


Which statement best describes you?

a.  I love doing laundry. I find it so satisfying to sort clothes, treat stains and fold them when they’re warm and fresh from the dryer. (3 points)

b.  Laundry is a necessary evil, but it’s better than cleaning the bathroom. (2 points)

c.  I hate doing laundry. There are too many steps to the process, and it never ends. I’m ready to move to a nudist colony. (1 point)


What’s your philosophy on bleach?

a.  It’s a must. I use the color-safe version for my darks and brights and regular for my whites. (3 points)

b.  Once in a while I’ll use it, if my clothes are looking really dingy, but most of the time I forget to throw it in. (2 points)

c.I never sort my laundry and just wash everything in cold, so bleach is a no. (1 point)


What percentage of your clothes are air dried?

a.  80% – It’s really the secret to making clothes last longer. Almost all of my clothes are air dried and most of the children’s clothes, as well. When it’s nice out, I hang them outside for that sun-kissed smell. Also, the ultraviolet light of the sun helps remove stains. (3 points)

b.  50% – I air dry a lot of my own clothes, but the kids clothes always go in the dryer. They’re going to outgrow them quickly anyway. It’s not worth the time. (2 points)

c.  0% – That would require me to perform an extra step in this already God-forsaken process, so that’s never going to happen. (1 point)


Do you like to iron?

a.  Of course! There’s no sound quite like that of steam escaping the iron to release a shirt’s wrinkles. (3 points)

b.  Meh. I don’t want wrinkled clothes, so I do it. (2 points)

c. Obviously not. Clothes that require ironing are either worn wrinkled or sent to the dry cleaners for them to deal with it. (1 point)


How is the responsibility for laundry divided in your house?

a.  I do it all. In fact, no one else even knows how to work the machines. This is my domain, and I don’t want them messing up my system. (3 points)

b.  I do it because there are other chores I’d rather trade away. OR My partner and I split it, and when the kids are old enough, they’ll pitch in, too. (2 points)

c.  Don’t know and don’t care. All I know is that it’s not on me. (1 points)



Add up the points next to each answer you selected and check your score below.

17 – 21 points Laundry Perfectionist

Like your laundry routine, your life is organized, and you’re in control. Your household is a well-oiled machine and you take pride in this. People turn to you to get the job done, and you never disappoint.

12 – 16 points Laundry Realist

Between the high road and the low road, you take the middle one. You pick your battles of when to be meticulous and when to let things slide, and your laundry style is no different. People think you are easy going but still someone to take seriously.  

7 – 11 points Laundry Loafer

Your philosophy is that life is too short to worry about little things like laundry. Everything works out eventually, and you don’t stress about the process of getting to the finish line because the journey’s half the fun. Or, you’re just really, really busy.

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Rebecca is the former Managing Editor for both Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog and San Francisco Moms Blog. She and her husband moved to San Francisco from the East Coast in 2008 and love raising their two children in the city. Rebecca worked for two Fortune 500 companies in a variety of HR roles before surprising everyone, including herself, and leaving her job to stay home with her kids. She's written for a variety of online parenting publications including Scary Mommy, Motherly, and YourTango, but promises that she can talk about non-parenting stuff in real life. Follow her on social media at @rlang165 and on BeckyRebecca.com.


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