We participate in Amazon's Affiliate Program. For as long as I can remember, I've always had plans on New Year's Eve. As a kid, we'd get together with our family friends to celebrate. As a teen and young adult, I...
This article is in partnership with Kut from the Cloth, and we are Nordstrom Affiliates. As a stay-at-home mom of two young kids, my wardrobe is very practical. I need tops for nursing baby on the go, comfortable shoes and...
I will be a full time mompreneur in the tech industry for two years this coming November.  I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to share my thoughts on various media outlets on various heavy topics: gender discrimination, sexual harassment...
It was a bright October morning when I awoke to the call that I had known with certainty would come, ever since her diagnosis six months prior: my mom had died.  She had a history of high blood pressure...
I used to be that annoying friend who would say, "Oh, I read that," whenever someone brought up a new book. My commutes to work and child-free nights and weekends gave me much more time to devour good books....
Every year, when the kids go back to school, teachers have them draw, write and discuss what they did on their summer vacations. Since no one seems too interested in asking the mommas how their summer went, I thought...
Did you catch our founder Kelly sharing back to school tips for parents on KRON 4 News' online channel, KRONon?  Keep your stress level low during this busy time of year by following her 7 tips:  Stop shopping Make...
Both my husband and I have Irish ancestry so when my husband traveled to Dublin, Ireland for work, we decided it was a great time to take a family vacation. What to Do Ireland is a great place to take a...
Editor's Note: Check our 2020 Fall Guide for a consolidation of the very best in Fall- and Halloween-related content, recipes, activities, arts & crafts, and many more!  Want to hear something scary? Halloween is this month. I sit here in...
I stopped saying "be careful" to my son when I realized how often I found myself saying this phrase to him.  I have heard these words uttered by my husband many times but never realized how often ‘I’ actually...

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6 Poses for Mother’s Day Yoga with the Kids

Whether you work outside the home or inside the home, being a mom is priceless. May is for mothers (and mental health). How will...
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