I started taking my twins to little classes/activities around town at about six months old. Initially, I would only do it if I could get my husband to come or on the rare occasion that a grandparent was in...
Maybe your kids slept well as infants or maybe they didn’t, but if you're like every other parent I know, once your child hit the age of two or three—essentially about the time when they transition out of their...
When my toddler son started throwing toys, I had no idea how to respond at first. I knew that he was not old enough to exhibit perfect self-control and that it was developmentally normal for him to experiment with...
My youngest daughter is a “lovey” kid. If you have one, you know what I mean: the child who forms an early, seemingly random yet unwavering attachment to a toy or object that becomes an indispensable member of the...
  There are few greater surges of joy and pride than when your child takes those first shaky steps. This is quickly followed by a realization that hits you like a sobering splash in the face: You have a toddler.    As...
toddler throwing toys

My Son Is a Little Chucker

Today I was in my bedroom finishing up a brief phone call when I heard swooshhhhh, swooshhhhh coming from the bathroom. About twenty minutes earlier, both my kids had taken those (rather large) plastic cups into the bathroom to bathe...
“I feel like he should be talking more by now.” In a world in which we are inundated with information about what our children “should be” doing and “have to” to do, it’s very easy for us as parents...
Growing up, my mama made school lunches for all three of us girls. When I was in elementary school, lunch primarily consisted of a sandwich, canned fruit, Ruffles potato chips, a cookie, and a juice box. Sometimes, my mama would...
  If you are looking for ways to save space, save money, and encourage your child to play independently, then allow me to present the Toy Swap Bin. The idea is simple, but the result is genius.   How It Works You...
Some of my earliest childhood memories with my parents and grandparents are of them teaching me basic table manners and social manners. The lessons continued well into my high school years, and, every now and then, when I catch...

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6 Poses for Mother’s Day Yoga with the Kids

Whether you work outside the home or inside the home, being a mom is priceless. May is for mothers (and mental health). How will...
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