Our resident sleep expert, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, and I recently hosted a Facebook Live to answer your questions about how to handle nap transitions! Every parent knows how precious nap time is for both your baby and for you!  Learn...
Every mom of a toddler knows that meltdowns happen. When our little people come face to face with their big feelings, let’s just say everyone has a hard time. I have a few new tricks and tips for you...
We are part of the Amazon Associates Program. Christmas is here, and one my favorite things to do with the kids is to read Christmas books.  Some are silly, some are serious, but all are good for enjoying Holiday Snuggles....
I was lucky that my oldest daughter was always a pretty good eater. She knew what she liked and would eat those foods with gusto, but she had a pretty good range. Like all of us, she got into...
Some of my earliest childhood memories with my parents and grandparents are of them teaching me basic table manners and social manners. The lessons continued well into my high school years, and, every now and then, when I catch...
I don't know what it's like in your house, but right before my kids' bedtime, they get a crazy burst of energy. After they've taken a final sip of milk, and the credits are rolling on an episode of...
My kids have always been very independent, proud to show how they can do things “all by myself.” Or as my daughter used to say, “All my byself.” While I love supporting their independence, there are times when we...
Before I had my child I thought I knew what it was to be fully present, but I realized that I was still rushing, still getting to the next destination, and still always trying to achieve more per moment...
What makes a great house party? For my family, a great house party has several factors. I’ve compiled a list of best practices for you to consider when planning on hosting your next holiday event. Comment below and add...
I am not a morning person, and this is one of my greatest challenges as a mom.  I like my quiet time in the morning- ha, hilarious, right? Before kids, I would wake up early to enjoy the news...

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