My 9-year-old son is a big reminder of how important it is to have healthy self-talk, exercise healthy boundaries, exercise self-love, and manifest my heart’s desires. When life gets stressful and heavy, we lose sight of our dreams; our...
We say it all the time, and we hear it all the time:  “Don’t judge other moms. Everyone is doing the best that they can.” Yes, they are, but it’s also human nature to make judgments. We form opinions...

Celebrating Friendship

Since September is coming to a close and it is National Friendship Month, I have someone I want to tell you about; my best friend Jen. In August of 1991, I walked onto the campus of Albion College in...
Moving to the Bay Area has been a very socially humbling experience. I always thought I was good at making friends, but it turns out I’ve relied heavily on my husband’s easygoing nature and the built-in friends that came with...
We know that friendships are powerful sources of life and help us build self-confidence. What a gift both of my children have had in building strong bonds with others. Yet, there have been periods of time where they've struggled...
The day after Thanksgiving marks the "official” beginning of the holiday season. The sight of sparkly lights and decorations, the sounds of seasonal music, and the smells and tastes of festive foods can create different feelings for us all—from...
The daily grind of family life and work take precedence over all else. Once in while, I’ll run into a familiar face at the grocery store or Target, and we promise to make plans, but they never seem to...
As a new first-time mom, I found myself doing everything for my son. It just happened, and I did not even notice at first that I lost myself.  I was so wrapped up in putting my son first and...
Last week, I was feeling low. My phone was broken and my best friend, Corinna, doesn’t have social media, so reaching out to her was impossible. But something really mysterious and wonderful happened.  My husband returned from work with an...

Mama Drama

Lately there has been some immature Mama Drama happening among my group of mama friends. Sadly, it all started on a social media parenting app, and it got me thinking a lot about how to handle things such as...

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