Last weekend I received tickets to attend a private showing of The Incredibles 2 with my family at the Metreon in San Francisco through Kango and Chrysler, who sponsored the event. It was a fun surprise and a really nice way to...
My husband and I don't make a big deal out of holidays. We'd rather go out to a nice dinner than exchange gifts, and a lot of times a sweet message in a card is just as good. Every...
This weekend, my husband and a bunch of friends are going to Avila Beach for a guys' weekend. Not to be outdone, my girlfriends and I are going to have a good old-fashioned sleepover WITH ALL NINE of our...
Happy June 1! We spent last weekend at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay, and I am already dreaming of when we can go back. The resort is so family friendly that it's truly relaxing to be there...
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the long weekend! This time of year seems to always come with a bunch of commitments, and it's going to be nice to have an extra day to squeeze in...
I'm not even a little bit ashamed of how pumped I am for Saturday's Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The dresses, the pomp and circumstance - it's a fun, happy occasion, and I can't wait. Now...
I come from a long line of hardworking, selfless mothers, mothers who put dinner on the table and worked full-time, day in and day out. These same mothers have been my biggest cheerleaders and my greatest inspiration for being...
Mother's Day is this Sunday, and, in keeping with the article I wrote this week about not actually wanting to spend the day with my family, I figured it was fair game to share some links that have absolutely...
I love my family, and I happily spend a lot of time with them, which is a good thing because that's primarily what I do. I'm with my kids all day, every day except for the few hours a...
It's the first weekend in May! This comic sums up how I feel about that. On Thursday, my husband and I saw The Color Purple at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco, and it was a really wonderful show....