I’m not the cleanest person I’ve ever met. In fact, my husband often refers to me as the Queen of Clutter. But here’s the thing: as long as it’s MY clutter, it doesn’t bother me. I may have stacks...
This weekend we're taking the kids to see Paw Patrol Live! at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco. The kids have never been to a show like this, and, frankly, neither have I, so we're all curious as to...
We made it to another Friday! This weekend my parents are in town babysitting so my husband and I can go to a fancy lunch and wine pairing at Arista Winery with our friends. I can't remember the last...
It's Friday the 13th! Are you superstitious? I'm typically not, but this day always gives me the creeps, probably because I hate horror movies, and it makes me think of the Freddy Kruger movies I was forced to watch...
It's funny. I write all of the time, guys (like, all the time), and for some reason, this week, I'm stumped on what to share with you here! Have you ever felt really busy but can't recount what you've...
Dear C-Section Scar, I’ll admit when I found out at 36 weeks pregnant I was going to need you that I left the doctor's office in tears and sat crying in my car. How bad would you hurt? What was...
Happy Passover and Happy Easter! We're hosting Easter this year for fourteen adults and ten kids, so it's been a busy week getting ready for that on top of the week's usual routine and attending a fun private shopping...
It was a good week for my family as we learned our daughter got assigned to our first choice of public kindergartens in San Francisco! If you're not familiar with the process, it's overwhelming, so we're grateful and relieved to...
I had a big cry today. Crying isn’t exactly a rare occurrence for me, but today was different. I felt despondent and helpless. It felt like all the sorrow that has befallen my friends, family, and community hit me...
Tomorrow's St. Patrick's Day! This isn't a big holiday for me, but it's always fun to have a reason to crack open a Guinness and wear green. Do you go all out for the holiday, setting up leprechaun visits,...

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Ripley’s Believe It or Not! San Francisco Winter is here and there’s no better to explore the fascinating world at Ripleys’s Believe It or Not! San...
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