My daughter will be wrapping up her middle school career this month, and it is a ride I want to get off—a ride with ups/downs, twists and turns, and a few curve balls along the way. One of the...
When I was pregnant with my daughter Ilse, I only traveled twice: a two-week holiday to Hong Kong during my first trimester and a New Year’s trip to Seattle in December of that same year. Afterward, I was planted....
I am not a morning person, and this is one of my greatest challenges as a mom.  I like my quiet time in the morning- ha, hilarious, right? Before kids, I would wake up early to enjoy the news...
Congrats on your new baby boy! Here is your guide to the two new additions to your family: your baby and his penis. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was sure it was a girl. Not really...
Screen time for kids is a hot topic. My personal choice is to default to the American Academy of Pediatric’s guidelines. In a nutshell, here they are. No screen time before ages 18-24 months Coview programming Interact with the...
It all started innocently enough. Pretty much since the day she sprouted them, people have been commenting on my daughter's beautiful, curly blonde hair. "She’s so cute! Where did she get her curls? How often do you cut her...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLmdr6ibZ1U Three years ago, Carew Papritz had the idea to begin National Thank You Letter Day; a day that not only teaches kids about the importance of gratitude, kindness, manners, and civility, but also serves as an opportunity to teach...
Dads do yoga! This may be a surprise because mostly moms do yoga. Women account for 72% of yoga practitioners and out number men 3 to 1. What brings dads to yoga and keeps them coming back? Moms. Most often,...
Every Fall, I attend as many school tours as I possibly can. As a private school placement consultant, it’s my job to know cultural, structural, and curricular specifics, so I can match each family with their ideal school community....
The day after Thanksgiving marks the "official” beginning of the holiday season. The sight of sparkly lights and decorations, the sounds of seasonal music, and the smells and tastes of festive foods can create different feelings for us all—from...

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