We are so over this. We have been pandemic parenting for nearly two years, and here we are once again, canceling and being canceled. We're home alone with our kids, in the winter, in the rain, and with the...
Thinking about Childcare? Here’s what you need to know in 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA-iOOuNEA8&feature=emb_logo Parents are having to make tough choices about finding child care for their children. In some cases, they feel that they need to sacrifice cost for safety, especially during...
During a local school board meeting earlier this summer, representatives of the teachers union spoke emotionally about their fear of returning to in-person teaching. “I want to go back into the classroom more than anything....but it is not safe...
I don’t know about you, but raising children these past few months has been rough. For the last few months, my family has juggled work schedules, distance learning classes for our elder daughter Ilse, and childcare for Ilse and...
Paying your nanny on paper is best for everyone involved. Not only can it benefit your nanny, but you can save money by paying legally. How Are Things Different This Year With the Coronavirus? The two COVID-19 acts, Families First Act and CARES Act,...
  As more workplaces begin to reopen, what is daycare going to look like? What should we expect from caregivers when it’s time to send our kids back to them, and what kind of questions do we need to...
I am scheduled to go back to work when the shelter in place order lifts, but should I enroll my daughters in daycare? It's a scary thing to think about right now. At the beginning of my maternity leave, I...
Schools are officially closed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, so what are you planning to do with your kids? Children will be at home for at least three weeks, which leaves you with a lot of time...
Did you know your nanny is legally your employee? Did you know you should be withholding taxes from his or her pay? Many people believe that a nanny is considered an independent contractor, but this is not true. The...
I was the first of my local friends to have kids, so once they had babies of their own, they naturally asked me for babysitter recommendations. I was happy to share mine, on one condition. They had to check...

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Ripley’s Believe It or Not! San Francisco Winter is here and there’s no better to explore the fascinating world at Ripleys’s Believe It or Not! San...
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