Occasionally our regular Mid-Peninsula contributors will guest post on our sister site, San Francisco Moms Blog. If you are not automatically redirected to Wendi's articles, click here.
Whew! We made it. One of my kids was sick all week, which meant I was working overtime in the Mom department. She's all better now, and we have a fun weekend planned with a little adventure to Livermore...
And just like that, it's March! After an unsuccessful skiing adventure with our three- and four-year-olds last weekend, I'm looking forward to laying low, staying local, and watching the Oscars on Sunday (even though I haven't seen a single...
I'm in a nostalgic mood this week, so I'm sharing links to things that have stuck with me long after I first saw them. Tell me your favorites, too!
Tired of asking your kids, "How was your day?" Try these...
Hello, Friday! I look forward to every weekend, but especially long weekends like this one. My husband has off from work on Monday, so we have lots of fun plans with friends, including wine tasting in Paso Robles! What...
Before I was a mom, I was many things. I had lots of time for hobbies, hanging out with friends, and well, rest. As a mom, most days I feel like a hot mess, running to drop off, managing...
When you have winter birthdays (like my kids) you have limited options for birthday parties especially since I’m not one for having 30 screaming children inside my house. At these times, my husband and I are very grateful for...
One of my favorite mentors once told me the secret to raising happy and healthy children is to know them well and genuinely think they are special for who they are.
This sounded really easy, because luckily my kids...
Dear me, from 15 years ago,
Hello dear friend! I know it may seem silly to write you this letter, but I think about you a lot. I look back upon this time in our life with such fondness. I...
It's Man Cold Season...Are you Prepared?
Playing Kids Bop in the Car and Other Things I Won't Do For My Kids
The Way We Speak To Our Kids Matters
When You Think You Need To Fire Your Nanny
What Having a Sick Child...