Whether it is from TV, conversations with peers or in the classroom, on social media or even as content on memes, our children are exposed to current events 24/7. The good, bad, ugly and lately the extremely traumatic. Parents have...
When I got pregnant somewhat unexpectedly, that news alone was shocking. But then to find out we were having twins…there were really no words. We decided to tell our families that we were pregnant last year on Mother’s Day...
My 9-year-old son is a big reminder of how important it is to have healthy self-talk, exercise healthy boundaries, exercise self-love, and manifest my heart’s desires. When life gets stressful and heavy, we lose sight of our dreams; our...
I'd always heard that people make bizarre comments to pregnant women and new moms, but I was wholly unprepared for the kind of comments I'd get with twins (not to mention the touching!). Here are some of the things...
By Molly Ressler and Michelle Corley Wing  An estimated 1 in 5 homeless pregnant women give birth prematurely (double the national rate), posing both immediate and lifelong health challenges for the newborn. Homeless pregnant women are also less likely to...
As soon as I found out we were having twins, I thought I would have a laid back approach to feeding them. If breastfeeding worked, great! If we fed them with formula, great! I felt quite indifferent to the...
The cost of tuition has increased significantly over the past couple of decades, and there's no sign of it slowing anytime soon. With the average cost of a four-year bachelor's degree from a private school surpassing $220,000, gaining a higher...
With the twins' first birthday right around the corner, I’m already getting teary thinking about my babies growing up. I can’t believe they are going to be ONE, but I also can’t believe that we managed to keep two...
At midnight on a Saturday, our 17-year-old knocked on our bedroom door. She came in to say they had a friend who her and her friend group were worried about. The friend had told them in a group chat...
I’ll admit I heard daycare horror stories when we first moved to SF. We were scared into believing that since we hadn’t spent hundreds of dollars on deposits before the twins were even conceived(!), we were basically already very...

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Grandparent’s Day is This Sunday: Grandparents Impact Kids’ Well-Being the Most

Grandparents Day is Sunday, September 8. We all know parenting is difficult.  The surgeon general warns parenting can be hazardous to your health. Nearly half...
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